Muslim App
Hello Developers! Contribute to Muslim App!
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All you need to know to start push will be available soon!
Beautify this Github Page? Start forking!
Technology currently using:
- Flask Python
- Swift iOS
- Android Java
Touch developers at:
Muslim App is designed to be an Umbrella Project for it sub project. Consider to design your platform implementation to be as modular as possible. Some implementation details may need to be private, so use your avalaible technology stack tools to keep it safe and sound.
Current goal is to develop Muslim App to its early production.
Here is some application that set to be available for the first production:
- Catatan Muslim (Muslim Note)
- Agenda Muslim (Muslim Agenda)
- Lowongan Kerja Muslim (Muslim Job)
- Jadwal Shalat (Pray Schedule)
- Amalan Yaumiyah (Daily Prayer)
All above application is set to match these following requirements as possible:
- Deploy as Muslim App sub application
- Deploy as single application
- Be able to be triggered from Muslim App Home Launcher
Project Kakak Asuh (Foster Brother) is companion for Muslim App. KAKAK ASUH
Apps Repository
Muslim App
Muslim Note
Stay tuned and lifelong coder!